Yopo stock trading strategy

All right, we do not know all things about the Yopo stock trading strategy. But here is what we know about Yopo.

There is an individual who has been ranked number 1 the past year or so on kinfo.com for his performance or profit whose user name is Yopo. Here are some data extracted from kinfo.com

Yopo Stock Trading Strategy - one-year performance/profit

This is a nice chart showing Yopo's performance for the last year. It is obvious that yopo only have had about 40 big winning days while all other days experienced a small win or loss except there was a $73,000 loss in a day. The biggest daily profit was nearly half a million dollars and the second biggest about $300,000. All other significant winners were about or under $100,000. This is a beautiful chart clearly showing the trader has had a solid performance over the last year. We also dug a bit deeper and found that Yopo's performance has been getting better over the year. The chart indicates that Yopo managed the risk of loss very well except for one day he lost about $73,000. The ratio of win to loss is hugely in favor of the trader. Obviously the stock trader is perfectly skilled.

To summarize, in the past year. Yopo made 1.9 M dollars, average gain was $16,000 or 19.36%, his winning trades are 86.5% of all his trades.

What is the Yopo stock trading strategy?

While we do not know what strategy Yopo uses, ( it is likely that he uses multiple trading strategies.), we do learn something from his trades.

1) Trade stocks priced from penny like SOPA, VERU, CYN to hundreds of dollars per share like META, Google, TQQQ. Interestingly, Yopo does not seem to be interested too much in penny stocks. Each transaction of a penny stock has often a very low share volume.

2) Holding time: Hold stocks from seconds to months. In many cases, only a few seconds and days. We could imagine that Yopo tightly manages the risk. (shorter holding time means a lower risk.)

3) Buy and sell tens of thousands of dollars worth stocks per transaction. Some times, one trade could be worth $700,000. Obviously, this Yopo trader is a power player.

4) Maintain both long and short positions even though in many cases, the holding time can be as short as a few seconds.

Some observations about the Yopo stock trading strategy

1) Big wins are only a few dozens a year (about 40 for Yopo). A trader may want to focus on those big opportunities while trying to eliminate the risky trades/days.

2) A trader needs to tightly manage the trading risk to limit the loss when the loss is inevitable. If needed, only holding a position for a few seconds.

3) A trader may trade both penny stocks and high priced stocks to make profits.

4) Large volumes are needed to make a significant amount of profit. This cannot be done by every trader. Yopo has millions of dollars in its account for sure.

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