Trading tools: MOMETIC helps momentum traders to spot the momentum real time

Mometic is probably the best or maybe the only trading tool to help momentum traders to spot a momentum easily and quickly. Many day traders do momentum trading including Ross Cameron. But before Mometic, you as a momentum trader have a hard time to find the momentum of a gainer or loser stock.

Yes, stock momentum in its early stage is hard to spot. Stock brokers or standalone stock scanners cannot help you with this. For instance, the TDAmeritrade scanner can show you roughly which stock is most active by displaying the real time price change. But that is mostly an indication of intensity or activity of transaction of a stock. The intensity or the activity of the transaction of a stock per se does not mean the start of a momentum. Even not mean a momentum. Webull rolled out a real time scanner that shows you some significant transactions like a large volume transaction or a significant price change in percentage of a particular stock, either increased or decreased. But this information does not help momentum traders.

Mometic developed by a group of experienced day traders and IT professionals can help momentum traders to spot the momentum of a particular stock right in its beginning. Mometic understands the need and can show momentum traders the real time momentum.

What Mometic does is show you the "count" which is used to describe how many times the price has changed for a short period of time such as a few seconds. For instance, when the count for a stock reads 1,2,3,4, 5 in a row in time, then you know that in a few seconds, that the price has changed a few times, which indicates building up of a possible momentum. At this moment, you as a momentum trader get alerted to that stock and you can go check the chart of that stock to monitor the movement. Then, let us say, half an hour later, the count shows 6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16 in a row in time, you know that in a few seconds, the change is getting more intense suggesting there is a momentum out there and momentum traders may take action on that.

Mometic also offers many other features interesting to momentum traders Momentum monitoring is only one good feature. (probably the most valuable feature of this product.) The price is reasonable. Paying $37, you get all features. Plus their service is great. Your questions will be answered quickly. (you will have lots of questions as the tool is fairly complicated particularly for beginner day traders).